簡単シリンダー描画 CreateIndexCylinder


using namespace glm;
void CreateIndexCylinder( const float radii, const float height,
                         const int num_arc_resolution,
                         vector< int >* indices, vector< vec3 >* poslist )
    auto& il = indices;
    auto& pl = poslist;
    // シリンダー頂点を発生
    const float uni = 2*M_PI/(float)num_arc_resolution;
    for( int i=0; i<num_arc_resolution; ++i )
        const float x = radii * cos( uni*i );
        const float z = radii * sin( uni*i );
        pl->push_back( vec3( x, .5*height, -z ) );
        pl->push_back( vec3( x, -.5*height, -z ) );
    }// i
    pl->push_back( vec3( 0, .5*height, 0 ) ); // top polar vtx
    pl->push_back( vec3( 0, -.5*height, 0 ) ); // bottom polar vtx
    // シリンダー面として、三角ポリゴンを紡ぐ
    vector< int > top, side, bottom;
        auto& n = num_arc_resolution;
        // draw faces at the top in triangle_fan fashion.
        top.push_back( pl->size()-2 );
        for( int i=0; i<n; ++i )
            top.push_back( 2*i );
        top.push_back( 0 );
        // draw faces at the bottom in triangle_fan fashion.
        for( int i=0; i<n; ++i )
            bottom.push_back( 2*i+1 );
        bottom.push_back( 1 );
        bottom.push_back( pl->size()-1 );
        std::reverse( bottom.begin(), bottom.end() );
        // draw faces at the side in triangle_strip fashion.
        for( int i=0; i<2*n; ++i )
            side.push_back( i );
        side.push_back( 0 );
        side.push_back( 1 );
    DecodeTriangleFanIndex( top.size(), top, il );
    DecodeTriangleStripIndex( side.size(), side, il );
    DecodeTriangleFanIndex( bottom.size(), bottom, il );


        vector< int > indices;
        vector< vec3 > poslist;
            const float radii = .015;
            const float height = .015;
            const int num_res = 7;
            CreateIndexCylinder( radii, height, num_res, &indices, &poslist );

おっと、DecodeTriangleFanIndex や DecodeTriangleStripIndexについては、これもまた超便利なやつらなんだけどこいつらに関しては2009年のこちらの日記→←を参照してほしい。